On my old blog, I wrote a little bit about my first year of Sixth Form and my motivation towards University etc. Between then and now, a lot has changed and so I thought I'd write a little post to update everyone on my thoughts & choices, which may or may not be helpful to you. I am going to be writing my thoughts on second year A Levels in an upcoming blog post, but this is just a general thoughts based mainly on my year ahead + University.
I'm at a point in my life where the decisions I make are really going to affect my future. In the past, I've always had another year, or another term to make my choices but now I literally don't. In two months I'm sitting my final A Level exams and that's it, education done and dusted. I've made the decision to defer my entry into University to 2015 for two reasons. One, I don't feel that I'm ready to pack my bags and go to University in September, I've spent all of my life so far in education and I just feel as if I need a breather. Secondly, I'm not entirely sure I want to go, I don't take well to education and it doesn't come easily to me, I'd love to go on and get my degree in Psychology [my course choice] but at this current moment I feel as if it's just not for me. A gap year allows me to defer my entry, still giving me the option of picking it up in 2015 while allowing me to have a year off, go travelling, do what I want for the first time and get some money behind me.
In my old post I discussed that I wanted to go to Loughborough University to study clinical psychology and I feel so shit to say that I didn't get a conditional offer from them. The grade boundaries were far to high and I should've seen it coming, so Loughborough is no longer an option for me. I am frustrated at myself for not doing better in the first year, because if I'd have gotten a conditional offer things might be a lot different now. However, I'm a strong believer in fate and I think that not getting into Loughborough only brought me to where I am now and that's for the best.
Honestly, I don't see myself going to University, instead getting a job in London and ultimately moving that way. I'd love to have a job in the week and be able to maintain and keep this blog/YouTube going, but have enough money to be able to keep it interesting. I'm so in love with London and right now, that's the one thing that's keeping me motivated as I really do see myself living there. Obviously, it's not going to happen over night and I need to get a lot of money behind me and be financially stable before I can even think about it, but I aim to spend the rest of this year working my ass off to get saving some money, so that in January 2015 I can think about re-locating.
All in all, I just wanted to say in this blog post that your choices at the end of secondary school will be dramatically different to what you want when you're about to leave Sixth Form. This time in 2012 there was no way I was going to University, or Sixth Form for that matter, in 2013, I was dead set on University to get a degree in Clinical Psychology and now in 2014, I'm looking to work and move to London. I am incredibly motivated to get the best grades I can in my exams in May/June as if I'm not going on to get a degree I need the best A Levels I can get.
What I am trying to say in this blog post is don't worry if your plans change, whether it's now or in a years time. There are so many paths and options you can take, at this age it's all about making choices and either loving them or regretting them and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're all at an age where we're becoming or are adults and it's our lives, if you want to do something do it and don't let anyone tell you different. I know uprooting and moving to London is going to be incredibly hard, but I'm going to try every means possible to do it. I may well end up living at home for the next two years, but if that means at the end of 2015 I finally get an apartment in London it'll be well worth it. It's so true that you get out what you put in and I do wish I'd realised this earlier but that doesn't matter, because I know it now.
All I'm saying is make sure it's what you want. Don't do it for anyone else but yourself. If you want to go to University do it, if you want to take a gap year do it...if you want to go and get a job just do it. It's your life and the choices you make are entirely yours. It's well worth visiting as many University's as you can, looking at jobs, getting experience etc. I think 17-20 are the most important years of your life, you just need to work hard and find that goal to hang onto to give you the motivation to do so.
I hope this may have helped some of you that are going through the indecisive stage like me, I'll be uploading my Sixth Form/A Levels thoughts post really soon, so that'll hopefully be helpful to! If you have any questions for me regarding gap years, Uni, Sixth Form etc tweet me: @gblnihn
But most importantly:

I hope this may have helped some of you that are going through the indecisive stage like me, I'll be uploading my Sixth Form/A Levels thoughts post really soon, so that'll hopefully be helpful to! If you have any questions for me regarding gap years, Uni, Sixth Form etc tweet me: @gblnihn
But most importantly:

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