
Sunday, 31 May 2015


THE WEEK is back. It's getting hectic in my life again and that means this series gets a little more interesting. 

THE WEEK started with a desperate attempt to rectify my hair. I know, "why didn't you just got to BLEACH LONDON or the hairdressers to start with?"...well, it's me and I never do things the easy way. We're getting there. Even if it's taking a heck of a lot more ££ and time than I'm willing to part with.

Then, on TUESDAY Maddy [aka the ying to my yang, the bizzle to my nizzle] came home from Uni, which consisted of us trying really hard to get a nice snap together [which is impossible].

On WEDNESDAY I was back in Epping, which is becoming a regular occurrence and it happened to be a real beautiful day. Thanks to a certain person, I've kind of fallen in love with this little corner of the world. 

FRIDAY began with a little strangely. I came out of the tube at Notting Hill and some weird old guy, dressed in a white tunic asked if I had a YouTube channel because I could be more popular than Beyonce and J-Lo [at this point I was waiting for camera's to appear and it be a prank] then he continued to say that I should be in a L'Oreal advert because I was so beautiful and my hair [which is an absolute disaster, so that chat up line didn't even remotely work] *then he did a weird hair flick with imaginary hair* and that when I'm rich I should fire my boss....thanks for the advice mate, it makes 100% sense. Then he asked if I wanted to go for coffee/give him my number. One day, one day I'll attract normal humans. 

After that wonderful experience, I met Maddy and we went to my favourite charity shop on the Globe and I nabbed an absolute dream item [I'll reveal all soon]. Hopping back on the tube we hit up Oxford Street and I spent £££ in TOPMAN and got ridiculously stressed over grown men getting in my way when I'm trying to buy their clothes. 

After dinner, we headed to a little garden hidden behind Southbank with a bottle of wine. It was supposed to be a really classy, Tumblr thing, but of course it ended up with us drinking red wine out of plastic cups and getting a little worse for wear. FRIDAY finished at sunset with me and Maddy extremely drunk on the Millennium bridge staring at the sunset and getting a little overwhelmed over just how beautiful our city is. I mean look HERE. Then, after parting ways at St Pauls, Maddy heading back West to Uni and me back East, home - I had to tackle London Liv > Shoreditch extremely drunk which was an absolutely mission. Luckily, I made it. 

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